Indonesia, with the world’s largest oil palm plantation area, requires improved governance in oil palm production in the upstream-downstream sectors, particularly in licensing and business legality. Many plantations remain in forest areas due to unclear regulations before the enactment of the Job Creation Law. The Job Creation Law (Law No. 6 of 2023), despite its controversy, aims to resolve the problem of overlapping regulations related to any sector, including oil palm plantation permits in forest areas.
On March 27th, 2024, Inovasi Digital held a webinar entitled “Law Enforcement Towards Oil Palm Legality in Indonesia,” which discussed how the Indonesian Government regulates the forest and plantation sector issues through the Omnibus Law (Law No. 6 of 2023). This webinar was open only to partners to inform them about ensuring their suppliers comply with current Indonesian regulations regarding plantations in forest areas.
The webinar explained the condition and obstacles of Indonesian forest regulations regarding land use inside forested areas and the use of regulations to resolve them, especially through Article 110A and 110B of the Omnibus Law. Additionally, various findings by Inovasi Digital regarding mills that are indicated to receive supplies from plantations located in forest areas were presented. The webinar also explained how certified companies and mills are still located in forest areas.