
Connecting the Dots and Bridging the Gaps to Understand your Supply Chain



Key markets are starting to impose traceability requirements on the palm oil trade, and consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and responsible products. At the same time, companies are confronted with a lack of insight into their supply base, reflected by low traceability to mills and plantation (TTM & TTP) figures achieved by industry players.

Industry transformation is possible only when decision-makers embrace the need to change and commit to action. Through our “traceability to decision-makers” research, we unravel the tangled world of private company ownership, helping buyers, investors, and their business partners to have a more positive impact. We collect public disclosure by companies, export-import data, certification, remote sensing analytics, and field insight to create an interactive, end-to-end traceability system. This allows you to trace palm oil supply from 92 countries, covering 80% of global trade.

Our dataset

  • 2,386 mills in 34 countries
  • 1,806 mills with TTP profile. The traceability level is divided into 4 classes of high, medium, low, and no percentage of FFB
  • 29 million hectares of plantation areas from >12,000 licences of industrial plots
  • 8,225 facilities that handled palm oil in 92 countries covering 80% of global palm oil traded
  • Land parcel database in 14 countries

What will you get:
  1. Information about plantations, smallholder farms, mills, kernel-crushing plants, refineries, and other palm oil handling facilities across the globe
  2. Deforestation, peat clearing, and legal violations free status
  3. Shipment database

Find the Solutions that fits with you

Inovasi Agriplot

The Most Reliable and Comprehensive Sustainable Supply Chain Traceability System

Inovasi Agriplot Due Diligence System

Turn-key Solution to Meeting EUDR Due Diligence Requirements

Supplier Group Monitoring Program

Corporate Activity Monitoring to Support Sustainable Business Practices

Extended Helpdesk

Inform Risk-Related Decision Making

Corporate Group Profiling

Tracking Corporate and Trade Relationships to Understand Business’ Priorities

GHG Traceability

Identify and Monitor the GHG Emission under Scope 3 Requirement

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